We are pleased to inform you that Uhlmann & Zacher GmbH in Waldbüttelbrunn has been taken over by ASSA ABLOY, the world's leading manufacturer and…
From January 14th to 16th 2025, Uhlmann & Zacher was an exhibitor at the Intersec trade fair in the World Trade Center in Dubai. As a former winner…
The building complex of the four town halls in Ingolstadt is constantly changing, for example due to changes in use or renovation work. The…
Expoprotection, the largest French trade fair for risk management and prevention, took place in Paris from November 5th - 7th, 2024. Uhlmann &…
The Electronic Cabinet Lock CXx192 is also available as a version with Bluetooth® Low Energy. By this, another U&Z product can be integrated into a…
Uhlmann & Zacher applied for and received a research grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Only companies that carry out…
Uhlmann & Zacher is back at the German trade fair for safety and…
At this year's SecurityExpo in Munich, our team presented the entire range of the U&Z product portfolio: from the Electronic Locking Cylinder to the…
We were present at Nordbygg in Stockholm and informed about Uhlmann & Zacher's extensive product range.
Nordbygg is the largest trade fair for the…
This year too, and for the fifth time in a row, Uhlmann & Zacher was confirmed by CO2OP as a climate-neutral company.
The responsible use of natural…
With the electronic locking units from Uhlmann & Zacher, virtually any interior can be perfectly equipped. The stainless steel design blends…
Uhlmann & Zacher was once again an exhibitor at the Intersec trade fair in the World Trade Center in Dubai from January 16th to 18th, 2024. Intersec…
The issue of sustainability is becoming increasingly important for companies. For that reason, we have already had the climate-neutral company label…
Mobile access made easy
The Clex prime locking system is an electronic locking system for securing various types of buildings. With the latest…
The ongoing crisis in Ukraine is forcing many people and families to leave their homes and seek refuge in other countries such as Germany. The Asam…
We are proud to present: our new product catalog! We have revised the content and design of our product catalog. The new product catalog provides an…
This Christmas, Uhlmann & Zacher would like to refrain from giving Christmas presents and instead make a donation to the Main-Post's campaign "Aktion…
In November 2021, Uhlmann & Zacher reached another milestone in the history of the company: sale of the 1,000,000th electronic locking unit! There is…
From November 24th to 25th 2021, Uhlmann & Zacher was once again exhibitor at the SecurityExpo trade fair at the MOC in Munich.
In the last years…
With the system Clex private mobile, users can manage their electronic locking units like electronic door handles or electronic locking cylinders as…
"Exciting, educational and developmental activities, spacious indoor and outdoor areas and just a lot of space to be a child": That is the motto of…
The product line of the electronic door handle has revolutionized the industry of electronic locking systems. One of the key factors for success is…
The Uhlmann & Zacher locking cylinder convinces customers worldwide with its uncomplicated implementation and usability. The modular design of the…
According to the motto „Better to recyle than to throw it away“, the food banks have set themselves the goal of collecting surplus food and giving it…
Uhlmann & Zacher products are not only suitable for indoor use, but also as special versions for outdoor use. According to the certified protection…
With more than 800,000 locking units produced, Uhlmann & Zacher convinces customers worldwide of its wide range of products. In particular, products…
In addition to the well-known locking cylinders, door fittings and furniture locks, Uhlmann & Zacher also offers radio modules. These enable a…
The time has come: we are launching our Keyng smartphone app. This is available for both iOS and Android.
The app is ideal for locking system…
From electronic locking cylinders and door handles/door fittings to reading devices, radio modules and furniture locks to individual knob modules and…
Uhlmann & Zacher offers the entire infrastructure in order to successfully guarantee electronic access control – from the electronic locking units to…
As this picture shows, authorization with the transonder on the locking cylinder is intuitive. Thanks to the visual and acoustic signaling, it‘ clear…
Since 1996 Uhlmann & Zacher has successfully established itself as a manufacturer of electronic locking systems on the market. In the meantime,…
From 19. to 21. January 2020 Uhlmann & Zacher was present at the Intersec trade fair in Dubai.
The focus was on electronic door handles and door…
This year, Uhlmann & Zacher presented the latest product developments at the BIG 5 trade fair for the first time. Regional and international…
Uhlmann & Zacher was once again represented at the APS in Paris this year. During the three-day-fair, the U&Z team presented, among other things, the…
Uhlmann & Zacher was awarded the prestigious award in the Access Control category at this year's award ceremony for the Intersec Award in Dubai. The…
After the successful premiere last year, Uhlmann & Zacher exhibited for the second time at the Build Eco Xpo (BEX) Asia in Singapore and showcased its…
The electronic door handle from Uhlmann & Zacher has revolutionised the sector of electronic locking systems since its launch in 2015. The…
Uhlmann & Zacher exhibited already for the 10th time at the SecurityExpo in Munich and showcased its current products and system developments from the…
From 6th to 7th June Uhlmann & Zacher successfully presented its innovative solutions at the trade fair AIA – Conferece on Architecture at the…
An Electronic Locking System with Flexible Access Organization for the headquarters of Merck in Darmstadt
For the second time in a row, Uhlmann & Zacher successfully presented its broad product portfolio at ISC West at the Sands Expo Convention Center in…
Each year, the SME Union of Lower Franconia gives the Innovation Award to a regional medium sized company that stands out due to its future-oriented…
At the beginning of spring, Uhlmann & Zacher welcomes you to the completely revised website. The website boasts of a new, modern design and improved…
For the second time in a row, Uhlmann & Zacher successfully presented its broad product range at the Global Security Exchange (GSX), formerly ASIS, at…
The slogan for the Bavarian Landesgartenschau which will be held this year in Wuerzburg is "Where ideas grow". It was held at the site of the…
The electronic door fitting with short plate CX6174 was awarded the GIT SECURITY AWARD in the category access, intrusion and perimeter protection this…
Uhlmann & Zacher participated this year as well at the APS Trade Fair for Security Systems in Paris from 26th to 28th September and presented new…
We are pleased to inform you that Uhlmann & Zacher GmbH in Waldbüttelbrunn has been taken over by ASSA ABLOY, the world's leading manufacturer and…
From January 14th to 16th 2025, Uhlmann & Zacher was an exhibitor at the Intersec trade fair in the World Trade Center in Dubai. As a former winner…
The building complex of the four town halls in Ingolstadt is constantly changing, for example due to changes in use or renovation work. The…
Expoprotection, the largest French trade fair for risk management and prevention, took place in Paris from November 5th - 7th, 2024. Uhlmann &…
The Electronic Cabinet Lock CXx192 is also available as a version with Bluetooth® Low Energy. By this, another U&Z product can be integrated into a…
Uhlmann & Zacher applied for and received a research grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Only companies that carry out…
Uhlmann & Zacher is back at the German trade fair for safety and…
At this year's SecurityExpo in Munich, our team presented the entire range of the U&Z product portfolio: from the Electronic Locking Cylinder to the…
We were present at Nordbygg in Stockholm and informed about Uhlmann & Zacher's extensive product range.
Nordbygg is the largest trade fair for the…
This year too, and for the fifth time in a row, Uhlmann & Zacher was confirmed by CO2OP as a climate-neutral company.
The responsible use of natural…
With the electronic locking units from Uhlmann & Zacher, virtually any interior can be perfectly equipped. The stainless steel design blends…
Uhlmann & Zacher was once again an exhibitor at the Intersec trade fair in the World Trade Center in Dubai from January 16th to 18th, 2024. Intersec…
The issue of sustainability is becoming increasingly important for companies. For that reason, we have already had the climate-neutral company label…
Mobile access made easy
The Clex prime locking system is an electronic locking system for securing various types of buildings. With the latest…
The ongoing crisis in Ukraine is forcing many people and families to leave their homes and seek refuge in other countries such as Germany. The Asam…
We are proud to present: our new product catalog! We have revised the content and design of our product catalog. The new product catalog provides an…
This Christmas, Uhlmann & Zacher would like to refrain from giving Christmas presents and instead make a donation to the Main-Post's campaign "Aktion…
In November 2021, Uhlmann & Zacher reached another milestone in the history of the company: sale of the 1,000,000th electronic locking unit! There is…
From November 24th to 25th 2021, Uhlmann & Zacher was once again exhibitor at the SecurityExpo trade fair at the MOC in Munich.
In the last years…
With the system Clex private mobile, users can manage their electronic locking units like electronic door handles or electronic locking cylinders as…
"Exciting, educational and developmental activities, spacious indoor and outdoor areas and just a lot of space to be a child": That is the motto of…
The product line of the electronic door handle has revolutionized the industry of electronic locking systems. One of the key factors for success is…
The Uhlmann & Zacher locking cylinder convinces customers worldwide with its uncomplicated implementation and usability. The modular design of the…
According to the motto „Better to recyle than to throw it away“, the food banks have set themselves the goal of collecting surplus food and giving it…
Uhlmann & Zacher products are not only suitable for indoor use, but also as special versions for outdoor use. According to the certified protection…
With more than 800,000 locking units produced, Uhlmann & Zacher convinces customers worldwide of its wide range of products. In particular, products…
In addition to the well-known locking cylinders, door fittings and furniture locks, Uhlmann & Zacher also offers radio modules. These enable a…
The time has come: we are launching our Keyng smartphone app. This is available for both iOS and Android.
The app is ideal for locking system…
From electronic locking cylinders and door handles/door fittings to reading devices, radio modules and furniture locks to individual knob modules and…
Uhlmann & Zacher offers the entire infrastructure in order to successfully guarantee electronic access control – from the electronic locking units to…
As this picture shows, authorization with the transonder on the locking cylinder is intuitive. Thanks to the visual and acoustic signaling, it‘ clear…
Since 1996 Uhlmann & Zacher has successfully established itself as a manufacturer of electronic locking systems on the market. In the meantime,…
From 19. to 21. January 2020 Uhlmann & Zacher was present at the Intersec trade fair in Dubai.
The focus was on electronic door handles and door…
This year, Uhlmann & Zacher presented the latest product developments at the BIG 5 trade fair for the first time. Regional and international…
Uhlmann & Zacher was once again represented at the APS in Paris this year. During the three-day-fair, the U&Z team presented, among other things, the…
Uhlmann & Zacher was awarded the prestigious award in the Access Control category at this year's award ceremony for the Intersec Award in Dubai. The…
After the successful premiere last year, Uhlmann & Zacher exhibited for the second time at the Build Eco Xpo (BEX) Asia in Singapore and showcased its…
The electronic door handle from Uhlmann & Zacher has revolutionised the sector of electronic locking systems since its launch in 2015. The…
Uhlmann & Zacher exhibited already for the 10th time at the SecurityExpo in Munich and showcased its current products and system developments from the…
From 6th to 7th June Uhlmann & Zacher successfully presented its innovative solutions at the trade fair AIA – Conferece on Architecture at the…
An Electronic Locking System with Flexible Access Organization for the headquarters of Merck in Darmstadt
For the second time in a row, Uhlmann & Zacher successfully presented its broad product portfolio at ISC West at the Sands Expo Convention Center in…
Each year, the SME Union of Lower Franconia gives the Innovation Award to a regional medium sized company that stands out due to its future-oriented…
At the beginning of spring, Uhlmann & Zacher welcomes you to the completely revised website. The website boasts of a new, modern design and improved…
For the second time in a row, Uhlmann & Zacher successfully presented its broad product range at the Global Security Exchange (GSX), formerly ASIS, at…
The slogan for the Bavarian Landesgartenschau which will be held this year in Wuerzburg is "Where ideas grow". It was held at the site of the…
The electronic door fitting with short plate CX6174 was awarded the GIT SECURITY AWARD in the category access, intrusion and perimeter protection this…
Uhlmann & Zacher participated this year as well at the APS Trade Fair for Security Systems in Paris from 26th to 28th September and presented new…